
数据结构与算法 课堂笔记 6:树(Tree)

03 / 27 / 2023 (最后编辑于 04 / 03 / 2023)
预计阅读时间 9 分钟



Number of subtrees of a node


A node of zero degree

Branch node

non-terminal node (Caution: also include root when the size of the tree greater than 1!)


  1. Direction: from parent to child
  2. Length: edge count of the path


The maximum level(depth) of the tree

Binary Tree

Complete Binary Tree

  1. Except the bottom level, all levels are full-filled
  2. The index of the nodes are continous from 11 to nn

Array Representation

When index starts from zero, we get:

  1. LeftSon(i)=i2+1LeftSon(i) = i * 2 + 1
  2. RightSon(i)=i2+2RightSon(i) = i * 2 + 2
  3. Parent(i)=i12Parent(i) = \lfloor\frac{i - 1}{2}\rfloor
  4. If ii is odd, it is a left child node.

Linked List Representation


A binary tree can be reconstructed when given its inoreder and preorder/postorder sequence. However, this cannot be done when given preorder and postorder sequence.

Binary Search Tree

Take the first value inputted as the root.
Then, for all the value left, do as follow from the root:

  1. If it is smaller than current node, compare it with current node’s left child son
  2. If it is greater than current node, compare it with current node’s right child son
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 till we come to the leaf and insert the value as a child of the leaf, or we find the node with the same value.

Deleting a Node

Balanced Binary Tree

For the worst case of the previous algorithm, when the values are sorted, it will form a link and the complexity can be up to n2n^2.


Sorting an Array with BST

Merge Two BSTs

Solution 1

  1. Apply inorder to each BST to get two sorted arrays.
  2. Merge them into a bigger array like two-way merge sorting.

  Time: O(N+M)O(N + M)
  Space: O(N+M+(N+M))O(N + M + (N + M))

Solution 2


  1. Any element on the left side of the root is always smaller than the root.
  2. To merge the two tree nodes, we can compare the two nodes of both the trees while adding into the result array simultaneously.
  3. The comparisons that will be required to construct the result array will only be from those nodes which lie in the path from the root to the current node.
  4. We can create two stacks for each tree and will maintain the stack as the smallest element on the top.
  1. Create two stacks, stack1 and stack2
  2. Iterate until tree1 is not NULL or tree2 is not NULL or stack1 is not empty or stack2 is not empty.
  3. For each iteration:
    1. Push all the left nodes of tree1 inside stack1
    2. Push all the left nodes of tree2 inside stack2
    3. Compare the top of both the stacks, put the smaller one in the result while popping it out from the respective stack and move to its right child

  Time: O(N+M)O(N + M)
  Space: O(N+M+HeightOf(Tree1)+HeightOf(Tree2))O(N + M + HeightOf(Tree1) + HeightOf(Tree2))