
数据结构与算法 课堂笔记 2:栈(Stack)

03 / 06 / 2023 (最后编辑于 03 / 06 / 2023)
预计阅读时间 3 分钟


Usually a LIFO(last-in-first-out) list.


A sequence of items that belong to some data type ITEM_TYPE.

Operations for stack s:

  1. Boolean IsEmpty()
    Postcondition: If the stack is empty, return true, otherwise return false
  2. Boolean IsFull()
    Postcondition: If the stack is full, return true, otherwise return false
  3. ITEM_TYPE Pop() /*take away the top one and return its value*/
    Precondition: s is not empty
    Postcondition: The top item in s is removed from the sequence and returned
  4. ITEM_TYPE top() /*return the top item’s value*/
    Precondition: s is not empty
    Postcondition: The value of the top item in s is returned
  5. Void Push(ITEM_TYPE e) /*add one item on top of the stack*/
    Precondition: s is not full
    Postcondition: e is added to the sequence as the top one


Dynamic Array

Memory Allocation

Why capacity/4capacity / 4 rather than capacity/2capacity / 2?
Avoid repeated allocation of memory while operating insert/delete whensize=capacitysize = capacity


Linked List


Question: Working principle of delete[] (delete[] a array in middle will throw an error, probably a ub)